It’s Election Season – Make Plan to Vote
Oct 22, 2024 01:12PM ● By Sacramento County News Release
A complete list of Vote Center and Drop Box locations can be found at Photo by Edmond Dantes via Pexels
SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - We are days away from the Nov. 5 General Election and ballots should be in hand (and hopefully already filled out and on their way back to the Elections Office, either by mail or Drop Box).
But never fear, if you haven’t yet returned your voted ballot, you still have plenty of time.
For those voters or soon-to-be voters that need to register or update their voter registration file, Monday, Oct. 21 was the last day to make those changes or register online. While that deadline has passed, you can still visit the Election’s Office in person or visit one of the Vote Centers that opened, starting Oct. 26, to conditionally register and vote.
Vote: Pick a Way, Any Way
Choose how, when and where you want to vote.
By mail: All registered voters received a ballot in the mail. Place the voted ballot inside the envelope provided, sign the envelope and return; your postage is paid! Ballots must be postmarked by Nov. 5 to count.
Vote Center: With the passage of the California Voter’s Choice Act, traditional polling places were replaced with Vote Centers that are open for up to 11 days, including Election Day. This means that voters can choose when, where and how they want to vote at any Vote Center in the county. Avoid the lines, vote early.
At the Vote Center, you can drop off your completed ballot or vote in person. There is even weekend voting.
Eighteen Vote Centers are open for 11 days, beginning Oct. 26.
An additional 70 Vote Centers are open for four days, beginning Nov. 2.
Eligible residents can also register to vote, update their registration and cast their ballot at a Vote Center, even on the day of the election.
Drop Boxes: Voted/signed ballots may be placed in any of the 60 secure Drop Box locations throughout Sacramento County.
When using a Drop Box, ensure that it is an official, secure box provided by the Sacrament County Election’s Office. All official county drop boxes have the Sacramento County wave logo on them.
A complete list of Vote Center and Drop Box locations can be found at
For more election and voter information, visit the Sacramento County Voter Registration and Elections website at
To register to vote, visit the California Online Voter Registration website at