Placer County Schools Receive Backpack Donation to Kick off School Year
Aug 30, 2024 04:13PM ● By SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union News Release
SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union drops off a backpack donation at the Placer County Office of Education. Photo courtesy of SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
TUSTIN, CA (MPG) - SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union, the largest credit union in California and the largest serving school employees and their families, announced Aug. 30, it delivered 2,925 backpacks filled with school supplies – including pencils, erasers, notebooks and other necessities – to 12 county offices of education throughout California.
This year, SchoolsFirst FCU delivered backpacks to the following counties: Los Angeles, Nevada, Orange, Placer, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, Sutter, Ventura, Yolo, and Yuba. The credit union also coordinated their efforts with the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues (CCUL) to deliver backpacks for the first time to Nevada County. The individual county offices of education will distribute the backpacks to students who need them most to help them prepare for the new school year.
“It’s always an exciting time when our schools’ welcome students to the new school year,” said Josh Smith, vice president, school and community relations for SchoolsFirst FCU. “We want to do our part to make sure students throughout California have all the essential items they need to start the year and prepare them for success.”