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Assemblyman Joe Patterson Introduces Legislation to Cut Electric Rates by 30%

Feb 13, 2024 04:05PM ● By Office of Assemblyman Joe Patterson News Release

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) – Assemblyman Joe Patterson (R-Rocklin), along with Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher, introduced AB 2205 to direct the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to cut electricity rates for Californians by 30 percent. After seeing repeated proposals to increase rates due to various state mandates, Patterson introduced legislation to rein-in rates and give Californians a break from unsustainable and out-of-control electricity bills.

“Not a day goes by without someone contacting me about their unaffordable electricity bills,” said Assemblyman Joe Patterson. “Nobody should have to choose between heating their homes and buying food. It is time for the CPUC to focus more on affordability of this necessary service.”

Californians have seen their electricity bills skyrocket as much as 127%, placing a huge burden on already-struggling families and small businesses. According to the Transparency Foundation and the CPUC itself, California’s electricity rates are double the national average, costing residents an extra $1,096 more per year than Americans living in other states. Much of this is due to unrelated mandates and causes that have nothing to do with providing electricity.

“The cost of electricity has squeezed Californians to a breaking point,” Patterson said. “Working families are afraid to turn on their heaters or air conditioner not knowing what their bill will be the following month. Too many Californians are struggling to make ends meet – bringing their electric bills down will ease that burden and improve people’s quality of life.”

Current California law allows the CPUC to regulate utility rate increases. Despite a requirement that these rates be “just and reasonable,” massive rate increases have been approved year after year. Patterson’s bill would mandate the commission lower the per kilowatt-hour charge to consumers by no less than 30 percent.